Adding or removing a user from a group

You can add a CDP user or a machine user account to a group. You cannot add a group to another group. You can remove a CDP user or a machine user account from a group.

All members of the group inherit the roles and resources assigned to the group.


Management Console UI

  1. Sign in to the CDP console.
  2. From the CDP home page, click Management Console.
  3. In the User Management section of the side navigation panel, click Groups.
  4. Click the name of the group to which you want to add a user.

    The details page displays information about the group.

  5. Click the Members tab.
  6. Add or remove users according to your requirements.
    Adding a user to a group:
    • If the group does not have members, click Add Member. Select the name of the user that you want to add to the group.
    • If the group already has a list of members, click in the Add Member dropdown box. Select the name of the user that you want to add to the group.
    Removing a user from a group:
      1. Click Remove from Group next to the user that you want to remove.
      2. Click OK to confirm that you want to remove the user from the group.


You can use the following command to add a user to a group:
cdp iam add-user-to-group \
--group-name <value> \
--user-id <value>
To remove a user from a group:
cdp iam remove-user-from-group \
--group-name <value> \
--user-id <value> 
To add a machine user to a group:
cdp iam add-machine-user-to-group \
--group-name <value> \
--user-id <value> 
To remove a machine user from a group:
cdp iam list-groups-for-machine-user \
--machine-user-name <value>   
To get a list of the users in a group:
cdp iam remove-machine-user-from-group \
--group-name <value> \
--machine-user-name <value> 
cdp iam list-group-members \
--group-name <value>  
To get the list of groups that a user or machine user is a member of:
cdp iam list-groups-for-user \
--user-id <value>   
cdp iam list-groups-for-machine-user \
--machine-user-name <value>