CDP Private Cloud Data Services diagnostic data

You can collect and download CDP Private Cloud Data Services diagnostic data using the Diagnostic Data tab on the Administration page of the Management Console. This topic lists the diagnostic data that is generated.

CDP Private Cloud Data Services diagnostics bundle

Namespace information (under <namespace>/)

  • pods.json
  • events.json
  • replication.json
  • services.json
  • daemonset.json
  • deployments.json
  • replicasets.json
  • configmap.json
  • pv.json
  • Pod logs (under logs/)
  • Archive logs (under archived/)


  • File name of diagnostics bundle
  • Control plane version
  • Control plane namespace

Environment information (under environment/)

  • Per environment (under <environment-name>/)
    • Archive Logs (under archived/)
      • Non-Ozone logs (those stored in the persistent volume claim of the fluentd-aggregator pod)
      • Ozone logs (those stored in Ozone)
  • cde
    • Separated into folders per namespace for the CDE services
    • Each folder contains namespace information as above
  • dwx
    • Separated into folders per warehouse containing namespace information
    • DWX diagnostics bundle for each warehouse
  • mlx
    • Separated into folders per MLX workspace
    • Each folder contains namespace information as above
  • environment.json
    • Contains the following:
      • CM version,
      • CDH version
      • CM License UUID
      • Health of all of the hosts
    • Client configs of the base cluster
  • details.json
    • Environment details


  • License version
  • License Name
  • License UUID
  • License Start date
  • License Deactivation date
  • License Expiration date


  • Good for debugging the diagnostics collection
  • All log statements from the diagnostics collection are found here


  • The results of various monitoring queries


  • Details of all cluster nodes
  • Examples: labels, creationTimeStamp, etc.

Pod reaper logs (under pod-reaper/)

  • Job logs for pod reaper