Additional operations on the base clusters
You can perform different operations on the CDP Private Cloud Base clusters added to your CDP Private Cloud Data Services deployment.
You can perform the following operations on the list of CDP Private Cloud Base clusters
displayed in a tabular format on the Cluster Details page:
- Filtering the list of clusters by the Status and Data Center fields.
- Searching for a cluster by entering any of its displayed details in the Search table data text box.
- Sorting the clusters by specific table column headers.
In addition to deleting or editing details of base clusters listed on the
Cluster Details page, you can perform the following
operations on individual clusters:
- Access the Cloudera Manager instance of a cluster by selecting Go to
Cluster Manager from the pull-down menu for that cluster. The
Cloudera Manager instance loads on a separate browser tab.
You can access the pull-down menu by clicking the vertical ellipsis (three dots) against the particular cluster entry on the table.
- Refreshing the information for a cluster by selecting Refresh from the pull-down menu for that cluster.