Delete an unregistered classic cluster

If you started registering an on-prem cluster in CDP PC using CCMv1 and have not yet completed it, we recommend that you delete the unregistered cluster and re-register it using CCMv2.

Classic clusters that are already registered with CCMv1 continue to use CCMv1, but new cluster registrations should be using CCMv2. If you started registering an on-prem cluster in CDP PC using CCMv1 and have not yet completed it, we recommend that you delete the unregistered cluster and re-register it using CCMv2. We suggest this as it will save the future efforts required to upgrade from CCMv1 to CCMv2.


  1. If you reached step 2 or 3 in classic cluster registration, you should first stop the CCM tunnel and then clean up the setup files that you must have downloaded for CCM v1. Run the following commands on the Cloudera Manager host (CDH or CDP PvC Base cluster) or on the KNOX host (HDP cluster).
    1. Check the tunnel status:
      systemctl status ccm-tunnel@CM.service
    2. Use below commands to stop tunnel and cleanup CCMv1 resources:
      • CentOS7/RHEL7:
        CDH or CDP PvC Base cluster
        systemctl stop ccm-tunnel@CM.service
        yum remove autossh
        HDP cluster
        systemctl stop ccm-tunnel@KNOX.service
        yum remove autossh
      • CentOS6/RHEL6:

        CDH or CDP PvC Base cluster

        service reverse-tunnel stop 'CM'
        yum remove autossh

        HDP cluster

        service reverse-tunnel stop 'KNOX'
        yum remove autossh
  2. Delete the cluster from the classic cluster UI by clicking on the context menu next to the cluster name and selecting Remove.
  3. Enter the cluster name and click Remove.