Troubleshooting: Install autossh package

During step 2 of the classic cluster registration process, you install an rpm to establish connectivity between the cluster and CDP Control Plane. If the installation fails, you can install the autossh using the following steps.

During step 2 of the classic cluster registration process, you install an rpm to establish connectivity between the cluster and CDP Control Plane. The CCMv1 autossh client rpm has dependency on the autossh package which is used for creating the reverse SSH tunnel from the cluster node (Knox/CM) to CDP Control Plane. The instructions on the screen instruct you to run the following command:

sudo yum --nogpgcheck localinstall ccm-autossh-client-0.2-20201211113132gita7b10d3.x86_64.rpm

If the installation of CCM autossh-client rpm fails with “No package autossh available”, you must download and install the autossh package on the node where you are setting up connectivity.


  1. Run these commands to install the autossh package:
    yum install wget
    sudo yum --nogpgcheck localinstall autossh-1.4g-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
  2. Next, run the following command to install autossh-client:
    sudo yum --nogpgcheck localinstall ccm-autossh-client-0.2-20201211113132gita7b10d3.x86_64.rpm