Change environment's credential

You can change the credential attached to an environment as long as the new credential provides the required level of access to the same GCP account as the old credential.

Required roles:

  • EnvironmentAdmin or Owner of the environment
  • SharedResourceUser or Owner of the credential


  1. Log in to the CDP web interface.
  2. Navigate to the Management Console.
  3. Select Environments from the navigation pane.
  4. Click on a specific environment.
  5. Navigate to the Summary tab.
  6. Scroll down to the Credential section.
  7. Click to access credential edit options.
  8. Select the new credential that you would like to use.
  9. Click to save the changes.
If you would like to delete a credential from the CDP CLI, use:
cdp environments update-environment-credential --environment-name <value> --credential-name <value>