Manually executing a Cloudera Observability On-Premises purge event

You can manually run your purge event immediately with a one-time operation, rather than scheduling a purge event.

Describes how to manually run a Cloudera Observability On-Premises purge event.

A one-time purge event is based on the maximum data retention policy using the Cloudera Observability On-Premises purge event’s parameter values, without the frequency value.

  1. In a supported web browser, log in to Cloudera Manager as a user with full system administrator privileges.
  2. From the Navigation panel, select Clusters and then OBSERVABILITY.
  3. In the Status Summary panel of the OBSERVABILITY page, select Admin API Server.
  4. Click the Configuration tab.
  5. Search for the Admin API Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for the wxm-conf/sigmaadminapi.properites option.
  6. In the text field enter your purge event’s parameter settings, using the Purge Event Parameters table.

    For example,

    blobstore.purger.start.time = 0:00
  7. Click Save Changes.
  8. From the Actions menu, select Restart this Admin API Server.
  9. In the Restart this Admin API Server message, confirm your changes by clicking Restart this Admin API Server.
  10. When the Restart API Server step window displays Completed, click Close.
  11. When a manual purge event run is required, do the following:
    1. Log in to Cloudera Manager.
    2. From the Navigation panel, select Clusters and then OBSERVABILITY.
    3. From the Actions menu, select Purge HDFS Bucket Data.
    4. In the Purge HDFS Bucket Data confirmation message, confirm the purge event by clicking Purge HDFS Bucket Data.
    5. When the Purge HDFS Bucket Data window displays Completed, click Close.