Installing and UpgradingPDF version

Cloudera Observability On-Premises installation overview

A brief overview of the tasks required to successfully install Cloudera Observability On-Premises on a dedicated cluster within your environment.

Installing Cloudera Observability On-Premises requires the following tasks that are performed by you:
  1. Creating a CDP cluster for Cloudera Observability On-Premises that contains a minimum of 5 nodes and that is managed by Cloudera Manager.
  2. Verifying that your environment's system has the required supported software and hardware and the required network services and devices for installing Cloudera Observability On-Premises.
  3. Performing the pre-installation tasks.
  4. Downloading and deploying the Cloudera Observability On-Premises installation files from the Cloudera Downloads website to the host server on your Cloudera Observability cluster and activating the Cloudera Observability On-Premises parcel file.
  5. Enabling secure communication and data encryption between components, Cloudera Observability On-Premises, and your Workload clusters.
  6. Enabling the Phoenix service.
  7. Enabling the Kafka service.
  8. Adding the Cloudera Observability On-Premises service on all nodes in the Cloudera Observability On-Premises cluster and improving performance by enabling multiple devices to share the processing and memory workload.
  9. Granting user access with either local or the LDAP protocol authentication.
  10. Enabling the Telemetry Publisher service and associating it with your Workload clusters.
  11. Performing the post-installation tasks.
Follow these guidelines to ensure a successful Cloudera Observability On-Premises installation:
  • Decide on the type of Cloudera Observability On-Premises environment that best suites your business requirements.
  • Read the system requirements. This ensures that your Cloudera Observability On-Premises cluster has the required base hardware and software.
  • Read the installation pre-requisites and installation steps. This ensures that you understand the tasks required and how they are completed.
  • Understand what software services are required and what account information is needed when configuring dependent services. Third-party software services, such as LDAP, network, and firewall security, must be configured by you. For example, your SSL key pair file locations and private key are required during installation.
  • Record all the required configuration values, such as host names, port numbers, user names and passwords.
  • During the pre-installation tasks, record any new configuration values as you create them. You will be required to enter these configuration values later when you install and deploy Cloudera Observability On-Premises.
  • After installing Cloudera Observability On-Premises, verify that the software stack installed successfully.