Displaying your costs associated with a cost center

When a Cloudera Observability On-Premises cost center is created, detailed summary Chargeback reports of the costs and resource usage for the environment are also generated that enable you to analyze the costs and the cost break-down associated with the cost center. You can view the current and historical costs and the resource usage associated with your cost centers.

Steps on how to view the detailed summary reports associated with a cost center.

The Cloudera Observability On-Premises Chargeback reports visually display the tracked resource consumption and usage costs associated with the cost center for a specific time period that you select from the time-range list.

Within each report you can to drill down further:
  • To view the users, resource pools, jobs, and queries with the highest costs.
  • To view the health of a job or query of interest.
  • To optimize costs by using the Cloudera Observability On-Premises prescriptive guidance and recommendations that enable you to improve performance and resource usage.
  1. Verify that you are logged in to the Cloudera Observability On-Premises web UI.
    1. In the URL field of a supported web browser, enter the Cloudera Observability On-Premises URL that you were given by your system administrator and press Enter.
    2. When the Cloudera Observability On-Premises Log in page opens, enter your Cloudera Observability On-Premises user name and password access credentials.
    3. Click Log in.
      The Cloudera Observability On-Premises landing page opens.
  2. From the Cloudera Observability On-Premises Main navigation panel, select Financial Governance.
    The Cloudera Observability On-Premises Chargeback page opens, which displays:
    • The total cost and CPU and memory hourly usage for all of your cost centers including those uncategorized resource usage costs not yet utilized.
    • Data read and written values for all of your cost centers.
    • Lists your existing cost centers that use the current criteria settings and displays the total costs and CPU and Memory hourly usage and data read and written values associated with each cost center.
    • The total cost, CPU and memory hourly usage, and data read and written values for users and pools that are not yet assigned to a cost center in the uncategorized section.
  3. To display a cost center's detailed report that includes costs for each chosen environment, do the following:
    1. From the time-range list, select a time-period that meets your requirements.
    2. From the Chargeback page, click inside the cost center row that requires analysis.
      The cost center's report page opens, which displays the following:
      • The total costs, CPU and Memory hourly usage, and Data Read and Data Written cost per GB for the cost center.
      • Lists the environments that are associated with the cost center and displays their total costs and CPU and Memory hourly usage, and data read and written cost.
    3. To view more details, such as which clusters created the highest costs within a specific environment, expand the environment by clicking its plus sign (+).
  4. To display the users, pools, jobs, and queries that created the highest costs on a specific cluster of interest, do the following:
    1. Click inside the cluster row that requires more analysis.
      The cluster report Overview page opens, which displays the following:
      • The top 5 users whose jobs created the highest costs.
      • The top 5 pools whose jobs created the highest costs.
      • The top 25 jobs or queries that created the highest costs.
    2. To gain more insights on the health of a job or query, click the name of the job or query listed in the Top Jobs panel that requires more investigation.

      The job or query's summary page opens.

    3. Select the Health Checks and Execution Details tabs for more insights and if available read the optimization recommendations.
  5. To view a full list of users, their job costs, and their CPU and Memory hourly usage, from the Overview page, select the Users tab.
    The Users report opens, which displays the following:
    • The name of the user.
    • The total cost that the user incurred.
    • The number of jobs that the user ran.
    • The CPU and Memory hourly usage.
    • The cost per GB for the data read and written by your application.
    • The total job costs that the Cloudera Observability On-Premises engines incurred; Impala, Hive, Spark, MapReduce, and Oozie.
  6. To view a full list of pools, their job costs, and their CPU and Memory hourly usage, select the Pools tab.
    The Pools report opens, which displays the following:
    • The name of the pool.
    • The environment that the pool is associated with.
    • The total cost that the pool incurred.
    • The number of jobs that the pool ran.
    • The CPU and Memory hourly usage.
    • The cost per GB for the data read and written by your application.
    • The total job costs that the Cloudera Observability On-Premises incurred; Impala, Hive, Spark, MapReduce, and Oozie.
  7. To view historical costs, change the time period currently displayed in the time-range field. For information on how to change the time period, click the Related Information link below.