Configuring the Cloudera Observability On-Premises purge event
Steps for scheduling and configuring a purge event.
- In a supported web browser, log in to Cloudera Manager as a user with full system administrator privileges.
- From the Navigation panel, select Clusters and then OBSERVABILITY.
- In the Status Summary panel of the OBSERVABILITY page, select Admin API Server.
- Click the Configuration tab.
- Search for the Admin API Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for the wxm-conf/sigmaadminapi.properites option.
In the text field enter your purge event’s parameter settings, using the
Purge Event Parameters table.
For example,
blobstore.purger.delete.request.limit=9990000,/cloudera-dbus/HiveAudit,/cloudera-sigma-olap-impala/02f54999-b9a4-4dca-8237-d1b047755efb,/cloudera-sigma-sdx-payloads/2bc85719-7a3e-4438-96a4-8fc0f77ff79e blobstore.purger.frequency=weekly blobstore.purger.start.time = 0:00
- Click Save Changes, which sets and schedules the purge process.
- From the Actions menu, select Restart this Admin API Server.
- In the Restart this Admin API Server message, confirm your changes by clicking Restart this Admin API Server.
- When the Restart API Server step window displays Completed, click Close.