Downloading the installation files using the downloads website

Steps for downloading the Cloudera Observability on premises installation files from the Cloudera download website.

Describes how to download the Cloudera Observability on premises files from the Cloudera download website for an on-premises installation.
  1. Verify that you have an active Cloudera Observability on premises subscription agreement, license key, and login access to the Cloudera download website. For information on how to obtain these, contact your Cloudera sales representative.
  2. In a web browser on a computer that is on the same network as the on-premises cluster, go to the Cloudera download website for Cloudera Observability on premises.
  3. From the CHOOSE SERVICE INSTALLATION TYPE list in the Get started section, click Cloudera Observability on premises Parcel.
  4. From the Parcel Type list, select the installation parcel type for your Enterprise Linux operating system. For example, EL7 will install the Cloudera Observability on premises parcel on a RedHat RHEL 7 or CentOS 7 operating system.
  5. Click DOWNLOAD NOW, sign-in or complete the product interest form and click Continue, accept the Cloudera licensing terms, and then click Submit.
  6. From the download On Premises parcel section, do the following:
    1. Click On-premises (Parcel), which downloads the Cloudera Observability on premises parcel to your computer.
    2. Click On-premises Parcel (Sha), which downloads the Cloudera Observability on premises shell archive parcel to your computer.
  7. Scroll up to the Get Started section.
  8. From the Installation Type list, click Cloudera Observability CSD.
  9. Click DOWNLOAD NOW, accept the Cloudera licensing terms, and then click Submit.
  10. From the download parcel section, click On-premises CSD, which downloads the custom service descriptor jar file that enables you to install Cloudera Observability on premises.
The following files are downloaded to your computer:
  • Parcel: OBSERVABILITY-version_build-elversion_OS.parcel
  • Parcel SHA: OBSERVABILITY-version_build-elversion_OS.parcel.sha
  • CSD: OBSERVABILITY-version_build.jar