Adding and starting an instance of Telemetry Publisher for Cloudera Observability on premises

Describes how to associate a Workload cluster with Telemetry Publisher by designating a host cluster with the Telemetry Publisher service role and starting the Telemetry Publisher service for Cloudera Observability on premises.

After configuring and adding the Telemetry Publisher credentials, the Telemetry Publisher service must be associated with your Working cluster by adding the Telemetry Publisher service role to a designated host and starting the Telemetry Publisher role instance.
The following pre-tasks must be completed before associating a Workload cluster with Telemetry Publisher.
  • Verify that you have configured and added the Telemetry Publisher credentials in Cloudera Manager.
  • Verify that you have the JCE Policy installed before enabling the role in the Cloudera Manager Service.
  1. In a supported web browser on a Workload cluster, log in to Cloudera Manager.
  2. In Cloudera Manager, select Clusters and then locate and select Cloudera Management Service.
  3. Add the Telemetry Publisher role on the Cloudera Manager Server nodes by doing one of the following:
    • If you are using Java 8:
      1. From the Actions menu, select Add Role Instances.

        The Add Role Instances for Cloudera Management Service wizard opens.

      2. Click inside the Telemetry Publisher field.

        The Hosts Selected dialog box opens.

      3. Select the check box of the host for the Telemetry Publisher and click OK, as shown in the below image.

        The wizard populates the Telemetry Publisher field with the selected host name.

      4. Click Continue.
      5. In the Review Changes page, review your selection and click Finish.
    • If you are using Java 7, configure Telemetry Publisher as follows:
      1. Go back to Cloudera Management Service and click the Configuration tab.
      2. Under Scope, select Telemetry Publisher.
      3. In the Search field, enter java configuration, which displays the Java Configuration Options for Telemetry Publisher filter.
      4. In Telemetry Publisher Default Group field, add the following property:
        -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dhttps.cipherSuites=TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
      5. Click Save Changes.
  4. Start Telemetry Publisher by selecting the Instances tab, selecting the Telemetry Publisher check box, and then from the Actions for Selected menu, select Start.
  5. In the Start message, confirm starting the Telemetry Publisher Service on your cluster by clicking Start.
  6. Monitor the progress until the Successfully started service message appears and then click Close.