Diagnostic metrics collection details
Describes the type of data provided by the Cloudera data services and collected by Telemetry Publisher.
Telemetry Publisher collects and sends the following diagnostic metrics and data to Cloudera Observability On-Premises:
- Cloudera Manager Metrics — The Telemetry Publisher agent pulls a subset of Cloudera Manager metrics from the Cloudera Manager API endpoint in Private Cloud Base clusters and sends them to Cloudera Observability On-Premises. For more information, click the Related Information link below.
- Cloudera Manager Events — The Telemetry Publisher agent pulls the Cloudera Manager Events from the Cloudera Manager API endpoint in Private Cloud Base clusters and sends them to Cloudera Observability On-Premises. For more information, click the Related Information link below.
- Hive MetaStore (HMS) data source — Telemetry Publisher polls Hive and Impala for HMS metadata about your tables and their database and sends the details to Cloudera Observability On-Premises. This data includes the table's schema, database location, partitions, structure and relationships, columns, column names and their data types, and the table's metadata properties that include user-defined and predefined key-value pairs.
- Hive Queries — The Cloudera Manager agent periodically searches for query detail files that are generated by HiveServer2 after a query completes, and then sends the details from those files to Telemetry Publisher.
- Impala Queries — A Cloudera Manager agent periodically looks for query profiles of recently completed queries and sends them to Telemetry Publisher.
- MapReduce Jobs — Telemetry Publisher polls the YARN Job History Server
for recently completed MapReduce jobs. For each of these jobs, Telemetry Publisher collects
the configuration and
file, which is the job history file that contains job and task counters, from HDFS. Telemetry Publisher can be configured to collect MapReduce task logs from HDFS and send them to Cloudera Observability On-Premises. By default, this log collection is turned off. - Oozie Workflows — Telemetry Publisher polls Oozie servers for recently completed Oozie workflows and sends the details to Cloudera Observability On-Premises.
- Spark Applications — Telemetry Publisher polls the Spark History Server for recently completed Spark applications. For each of these applications, Telemetry Publisher collects the event log from HDFS. You can configure Telemetry Publisher to collect the executor logs of Spark applications from HDFS and send them to Cloudera Observability On-Premises. By default, this data collection is turned off.