Configuring user to replicate from unsecure to secure cluster

Configure a user (on all the hosts on both the source and destination clusters) that Replication Manager can use to replicate data from an unsecure cluster (one that does not use Kerberos authentication) to a secure cluster (a cluster that uses Kerberos). If required, specify this user in the "Run As Username" field when you create a replication policy. Replication Manager does not support replicating from a secure cluster to an unsecure cluster, or a mixture of secure and unsecure source clusters in replication scenarios where a destination cluster has multiple source clusters.

  1. Add a user on a host in the source or destination cluster with the sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/[***username***] command.
    For example, the following command creates a user named milton:
    sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/milton
  2. Set the permissions for the user directory with the sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown [***username***] /user/username command.
    For example, the following command makes milton the owner of the milton directory:
    sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown milton /user/milton
  3. Create the supergroup group for the user you created in step 1 with the groupadd supergroup command.
  4. Add the user you created in step 1 to the group you created with the usermod -G supergroup [***username***] command.
    For example, the following command adds milton to the group named supergroup:
    usermod -G supergroup milton
  5. Repeat step1 through step 4 for all the hosts in the source and destination clusters so that the user and group exists on all of them.
After you complete these steps, ensure that you specify this user in the Run As Username field when you create a replication policy to replicate data from an unsecure source cluster to a secure target cluster.