Monitor replication policy statistics on Monitoring Dashboard

CDP Private Cloud Data Services Management Console provides a monitoring dashboard where several statistics related to the replication policies appear on pre-built Grafana dashboards.

To view the Grafana Dashboards that are available for your deployment, go to the CDP Private Cloud Data Services > Management Console > Dashboard page, and click Monitoring Dashboard. The Dashboards page appears.

The Dashboards page contains dashboards for various Data Services. The following dashboards in the General folder display statistics for replication policies:

Replication Manager Overview
The dashboard shows the statistics for all the replication policies depending on the chosen time range.
The Recent Longest Running Policies and Longest Running Policies by Average Duration panels show the statistics for the top 10 longest running replication policies where only the last job’s time duration to complete is considered. The Total Replication Job Duration and Total Data Copied panels show the aggregate statistics for all the replication policies. The other panels that appear on this dashboard are Recent Replication Policy Status and Current Failing Replication Policies. You can click a statistic name in the legend from the panels, to view its statistics. Hover over the graphs to view more details.
Replication Manager Policy Metrics
After you choose a replication policy from the policyID drop-down list, the dashboard shows the statistics for the selected replication policy.
The dashboard shows the Current Policy Status, Job duration, File Info, Bytes Copied, Hive Metadata Info, and Hive Misc Metadata Info panels. Click a statistic name in the legend from the panels, to view its statistics. Hover over the graphs to view more details.