Overview page
When you click Replication Manager on the CDP Private Cloud Data Services web interface, the Overview page appears. The page provides a snapshot of the Replication Manager service. It provides insights into issues and updates related to various entities and resources through dashboards such as Clusters, Policies, Jobs, and Issues & Updates.
The following panels appear on the Overview page:
- Clusters
- Policies
- Jobs
- Issues & Updates
Click Create Policy to create a replication policy.
Clusters panel
The Clusters panel on the Overview page is updated after you add a CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.8 or higher cluster on the Clusters page in the Management Console.
The Clusters panel shows the following cluster status:
Number of clusters that are currently not running as expected or in Error state.
Active clusters that are currently available to run the replication jobs.
Clusters having less than 10% disk capacity appear as Warning. Click the number to open a table to track the cluster name and the exact disk capacity remaining.
Total number of clusters that are in use.
To investigate the issues associated with clusters that have an error or warning status, use Cloudera Manager or Management Console.
Policies panel
The Policies panel on the Overview page tracks the number of replication policies that are in use and their status.
The Policies panel shows the following status for the replication policies:
Active replication policies in Submitted or Running state.
Replication policies that are Suspended by the administrator.
Unhealthy replication policies are associated with a cluster designated as Error on the Clusters panel. Click the number to find out the policy names, the names of its associated source and destination clusters, and the services that have stopped on the source cluster or destination cluster.
Total number of running policies.
Jobs panel
The Jobs panel on the Overview page tracks the total number of running and failed replication jobs and their status in Replication Manager.
The Jobs panel shows the following details:
In Progress jobs.
Failed Last replication policies are the policies for which the last job failed to complete.
Failed in Last 10 replication policies are the policies for which at least one of the last ten jobs failed.
Total number of available jobs in Replication Manager.
Click the number in the panel to apply a filter to the Issues & Updates table to view the required policies.
Issues & Updates panel
The Issues & Updates panel on the Overview page lists the replication policies that have running jobs with at least one job in Failed status in the most recent 10 jobs. If you do not see any policy, it indicates that the last 10 jobs of all the replication policies were successful.
The Issues & Updates panel has the following columns:
Current Job Status of the job.
When the job status is running, the status circle icon and a progress bar appear. For jobs that are not running, the status circle icon appears with Success, Failed, or Ignored text. Hover over the Failed status and click View Log to view the job log.
Replication Policy name. Click the policy name to view the policy details on the Replication Policies page.
Source cluster associated with the replication policy.
Destination cluster associated with the replication policy.
Service shows HDFS for HDFS replication policies and Hive for Hive replication policies.
Policy History of the last ten job statuses. The column also shows the status as colored dots which you can click to view the policy details on the Replication Policies page:
- Green indicates that the job completed successfully.
- Red indicates that the job did not complete.
- Gray indicates that the job did not start because a previous instance of the policy is still in progress. Only one run of a job can be in progress at one time. If a job is consistently ignored, edit the replication policy to modify its frequency.
When you click the colored dots, the page appears with the filter preset to show the information about the specified policy.
Runtime or time taken to complete the most recent job.
Most recent job that Started.
Most recent job that Ended.
The Actions menu shows the following options:
Abort Job aborts a running job.
Re-run Job starts another instance of the policy. This option is not available for running jobs.
Delete Policy removes the replication policy permanently. The delete operation cannot be undone.
Suspend Policy pauses a running replication policy job.
Activate Policy resumes a suspended replication policy.