Clusters page

The Clusters page shows the geolocation of each cluster and helps you to easily identify the status of cluster services, using interactive color markers on the map. The page also shows the total number of clusters enabled for Replication Manager, the number of clusters that are active or in an error state, and the number of clusters for which a warning is issued.

The Clusters page shows the following information about each cluster:

  • Cluster health Status

  • CDP Status for clusters as SYNCED (cluster is registered and running), SYNC_ERROR (cluster is down), or SYNC_IN_PROGRESS (cluster registration is in progress).

  • Source and destination cluster names

  • Runtime versions

  • Number of Nodes in the source cluster

  • Number of replication Policies between the specified clusters

  • Location of the cluster

Use the Actions menu to Add Policy (create a replication policy); Launch Cloudera Manager; or Sync the cluster configuration.

Click Add Cluster to register a CDP Private Cloud Base cluster 7.1.8 or higher cluster in Management Console to use in replication policies.

The map shows the geolocation of each cluster and helps you to easily identify the status of cluster services, using the following interactive markers on the map:
  • Red indicates that at least one required service has stopped on the cluster.

  • Orange indicates that all the required services are running on the cluster but the remaining disk capacity on the cluster is less than 10%.

  • Green indicates that all the required services are running on the cluster and the remaining disk capacity is greater than 10%.

Hover over a marker on the map to view the data center associated with the cluster, the cluster name, and the number of Replication Manager policies that are associated with that cluster.

To investigate the issues associated with clusters that have an error or warning status, launch Cloudera Manager.