Collecting metrics via HTTP

Metrics can be collected from a server process via its HTTP interface by visiting /metrics. The output of this page is JSON for easy parsing by monitoring services. This endpoint accepts several GET parameters in its query string:

  • /metrics?metrics=<substring1>,<substring2>,…​ - Limits the returned metrics to those which contain at least one of the provided substrings. The substrings also match entity names, so this may be used to collect metrics for a specific tablet.

  • /metrics?include_schema=1 - Includes metrics schema information such as unit, description, and label in the JSON output. This information is typically omitted to save space.

  • /metrics?compact=1 - Eliminates unnecessary whitespace from the resulting JSON, which can decrease bandwidth when fetching this page from a remote host.

  • /metrics?include_raw_histograms=1 - Include the raw buckets and values for histogram metrics, enabling accurate aggregation of percentile metrics over time and across hosts.

For example:

$ curl -s 'http://example-ts:8050/metrics?include_schema=1&metrics=connections_accepted'
        "type": "server",
        "id": "kudu.tabletserver",
        "attributes": {},
        "metrics": [
                "name": "rpc_connections_accepted",
                "label": "RPC Connections Accepted",
                "type": "counter",
                "unit": "connections",
                "description": "Number of incoming TCP connections made to the RPC server",
                "value": 92
$ curl -s 'http://example-ts:8050/metrics?metrics=log_append_latency'
        "type": "tablet",
        "id": "c0ebf9fef1b847e2a83c7bd35c2056b1",
        "attributes": {
            "table_name": "lineitem",
            "partition": "hash buckets: (55), range: [(<start>), (<end>))",
            "table_id": ""
        "metrics": [
                "name": "log_append_latency",
                "total_count": 7498,
                "min": 4,
                "mean": 69.3649,
                "percentile_75": 29,
                "percentile_95": 38,
                "percentile_99": 45,
                "percentile_99_9": 95,
                "percentile_99_99": 167,
                "max": 367244,
                "total_sum": 520098