Using advanced search

Apache Atlas advanced search lets you use a query language to combine criteria and refine search results.

Advanced search gives you more control over search criteria through the Atlas domain-specific query language.

In the left navigator pane, Search tab, switch to Advanced search mode by sliding the green toggle button from Basic to Advanced.

Here are some examples of refining search results using advanced search queries:

  • Search for partial names
    from hive_table where name LIKE '*_dim'
  • Search in date ranges
    from hive_table where createTime > '2019-01-01' and createTime < '2019-01-03'
  • Search for multiple criteria
    from hdfs_path where isFile = true and name = "Invoice"
  • Return specific metadata
    from hive_table where name = 'customer_dim' select owner, name,
            qualifiedName, createTime
  • Search for entities with classifications
    from hive_table where hive_table isa Dimension select owner, name, qualifiedName

See the advanced search reference for information about the query language and for more examples.