Preloaded resource-based services and policies

Apache Ranger includes preloaded resource-based services and policies.

  • The preloaded resource-based services appear on the Service Manager page for resource-based policies, and are prefixed with "cm_".

  • To view the policies for each preloaded service, click the service name. To view policy details, click the applicable edit icon or policy ID number.


all - entity-type, entity-classification, entity

This is a default policy of type "entity" that gives access to all entities and their classifications for the following users and groups, with the specified permissions:

  • admin, rangerlookup – Read, Create, Update, Delete entity & Add, Update, Remove classification

  • rangertagsync – Read entity

  • public group – Read entity

all - relationship-type, end-one-entity-type, end-one-entity-classification, end-one-entity, end-two-entity-type, end-two-entity-classification, end-two-entity

This is a default policy of type "relationship" that gives access to all to all Entity-Relationships between End1-Entity-Type, End1-Entity-Classification, End1-Entity-ID and End2-Entity-Type, End2-Entity-Classification, End2-Entity-ID for the following users and groups, with the specified permissions:

  • admin, rangerlookup – Add, Update, and Remove relationship

  • public group – Add, Update, and Remove relationship

all - atlas-service

This is a default policy of type "atlas-service" that gives access to all atlas-services [export, import, server] for the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • admin, rangerlookup – Admin Export & Admin Import

all - type-category, type

This is a default policy of type "type-category" that gives access to all type categories [ENUM, ENTITY, CLASSIFICATION, RELATIOSHIP, STRUCT] and type names for the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • admin, rangerlookup – Create, Update, and Delete type

Allow users to manage favorite searches

This is a default policy of type "entity-type" that gives access to __AtlasUserProfile & __AtlasUserSavedSearch resources which are internal types for favorite search. This policy provides Read, Create, Update, and Delete Entity permissions to users who create a favorite search.


all - table, column-family, column

Provides access to all HBase tables, column-families, and columns to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • hbase, rangerlookup – Read, Write, Create, Admin


Provides access to all HBase column-families and columns in the atlas_janus and ATLAS_ENTITY_AUDIT_EVENTS HBase tables, to the following user, with the specified permissions:

  • atlas – Read, Write, Create, Admin


all - path

Provides access to all HDFS resource paths to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • hdfs, rangerlookup – Read, Write, Execute


Provides access to the /ranger/audit/kms resource path to the following user, with the specified permissions:

  • keyadmin – Read, Write, Execute


all - global

Provides global access to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • hive, rangerlookup, impala – Select, Update, Create, Drop, Alter, Index, Lock, All, Read, Write, ReplAdmin, Service Admin, Temporary UDF Admin, Refresh

all - database, table, column

Provides access to all databases, tables, and columns to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • hive, rangerlookup, impala – Select, Update, Create, Drop, Alter, Index, Lock, All, Read, Write, ReplAdmin, Service Admin, Temporary UDF Admin, Refresh

  • {OWNER} – All
all - database, table

Provides access to all databases and tables to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • hive, rangerlookup, impala – Select, Update, Create, Drop, Alter, Index, Lock, All, Read, Write, ReplAdmin, Service Admin, Temporary UDF Admin, Refresh

  • {OWNER} – All
all - database

Provides access to all databases to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • hive, rangerlookup, impala – Select, Update, Create, Drop, Alter, Index, Lock, All, Read, Write, ReplAdmin, Service Admin, Temporary UDF Admin, Refresh

  • {OWNER} – All

Also provides access to all databases to the following group, with the specified permissions:

  • public – Create
all - hiveservice

Provides hiveservice access to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • hive, rangerlookup, impala – Select, Update, Create, Drop, Alter, Index, Lock, All, Read, Write, ReplAdmin, Service Admin, Temporary UDF Admin, Refresh

all - database, udf

Provides database and udf access to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • hive, rangerlookup, impala – Select, Update, Create, Drop, Alter, Index, Lock, All, Read, Write, ReplAdmin, Service Admin, Temporary UDF Admin, Refresh

  • {OWNER} – All
all - url

Provides url access to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • hive, rangerlookup, impala – Select, Update, Create, Drop, Alter, Index, Lock, All, Read, Write, ReplAdmin, Service Admin, Temporary UDF Admin, Refresh

default database tables columns

Provides access to all tables and columns in the default database to the following user, with the specified permissions:

  • impala – Create

Also provides access to all tables and columns in the default database to the following group, with the specified permissions:

  • public – Create
information_schema database tables columns

Provides access to all tables and columns in the information_schema database to the following user, with the specified permissions:

  • impala – Select

Also provides access to all tables and columns in the information_schema database to the following group, with the specified permissions:

  • public – Select


all - topic

Provides access to all topics to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • kafka, rangerlookup – Publish, Consume, Configure, Describe, Create, Delete, Describe Configs, Alter Configs

all - cluster

Provides access to all clusters to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • kafka, rangerlookup – Configure, Describe, Create, Kafka Admin, Idempotent Write, Describe Configs, Alter Configs

all - transactionalid

Provides transactionalid access to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • kafka, rangerlookup – Publish, Describe

all - delegationtoken

Provides delegationtoken access to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • kafka, rangerlookup – Describe


Provides ATLAS_HOOK topic access to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • hbase, hive, impala – Publish

  • atlas – Create, Configure, and Consume


Provides ATLAS_ENTITIES topic access to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • atlas – Create, Configure, and Publish

  • rangertagsync – Consume


Provides ATLAS_SPARK_HOOK topic access to the following user, with the specified permissions:

  • atlas – Create, Configure, and Consume

Also provides ATLAS_SPARK_HOOK topic access to the following group, with the specified permissions:

  • public – Publish


all - topology, service

Provides access to all Knox topologies and services to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • admin, rangerlookup – Allow


all - nifi-resource

Provides access to all NiFi resource identifiers to the following user, with the specified permissions:

  • rangerlookup – Read, Write


all - collection

Provides access to all Solr collections to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • solr, rangerlookup, ranger, atlas – Query, Update, Others, Solr Admin


Provides access to the RANGER_AUDITS_COLLECTION Solr collection to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • atlas, hbase, hdfs, hive, impala, kafka, knox, nifi, ranger, storm, yarn – Query, Update, Others

  • ranger – Query, Update, Others, Solr Admin


all - topology

Provides access to all Storm topologies to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • storm, rangerlookup – Submit Topology, File Upload, File Download, Kill Topology, Rebalance, Activate, Deactivate, Get Topology Conf, Get Topology, Get User Topology, Get Topology Info, Upload New Credential


all - queue

Provides access to all YARN queues to the following users, with the specified permissions:

  • yarn, rangerlookup – submit-app, admin-queue