Understanding User-Defined Functions (UDFs) in Phoenix
With a user-defined function (UDF), you can extend the functionality of your SQL statements by creating scalar functions that operate on a specific tenant. You can create temporary or permanent user-defined or domain-specific scalar functions. The UDFs can be used as built-in functions in queries such as SELECT, UPSERT, and DELETE. Temporary functions are specific to a session/connection and are not accessible in other sessions/connections. Meta-information of permanent functions will be stored in the system table called SYSTEM.FUNCTION. Tenant specific functions are supported, and functions created in a tenant-specific connection is not visible to other tenant-specific connections. Only global tenant-specific functions are visible to all the connections.
For details about creating, dropping, and how to use UDFs for Phoenix, see User-defined functions on the Apache website here: https://phoenix.apache.org/udf.html.