Configure Queue Mapping for Users and Groups to Queues with the Same Name

Specifies that all applications are submitted to the queue with the same name as a group.

  • To specify that all applications are submitted to the queue with the same name as a group, use this mapping assignment:

    Consider the following example configuration. On this cluster, there are two groups: "marketing" and "engineering". Each group has the following users:

    In "marketing", there are 3 users: "angela", "rahul", and "dmitry".

    In "engineering", there are 2 users: "maria" and "greg".

To configure queue mapping (yarn.scheduler.capacity.queue-mappings) for users and groups to queues with the same name based on this example, perform the following:

  1. In Cloudera Manager, select Clusters > YARN Queue Manager UI service. A list of existing queues is displayed.
  2. Click on the Scheduler Configuration tab.
  3. Enter u:%user:%primary_group in the Queue Mappings text box.
  4. Click Save.

With this queue mapping, any application submitted by members of the "marketing" group -- "angela", "rahul", or "dmitry" -- will be submitted to the "marketing" queue. Any application submitted by members of the "engineering" group -- "maria" or "greg" -- will be submitted to the "engineering" queue.

To specify that all applications are submitted to the queue with the same name as a user, use this mapping assignment: u:%user:%user

This requires that queues are set up with the same name as the users. With this queue mapping, applications submitted by user "greg" will be submitted to the queue "greg".