Configure queue mapping for users and groups to specific queues

Specifies that all applications submitted by a specific user are submitted to a specific queue.

  • You can specify that all applications submitted by a specific user are submitted to a specific queue using the following mapping assignment.
    This defines a mapping assignment for applications submitted by the "user1" user to be submitted to queue "queueA" by default.
  • To specify that all applications submitted by a specific group of users are submitted to a specific queue, use the following mapping assignment:
    This defines a mapping assignment for applications submitted by any user in the group "group1" to be submitted to queue "queueB" by default.

The Queue Mapping definition can consist of multiple assignments, in order of priority.

To configure queue mapping (yarn.scheduler.capacity.queue-mappings) for users and groups to specific queues based on this example, perform the following:

  1. In Cloudera Manager, select Clusters > YARN Queue Manager UI service. A list of existing queues is displayed.
  2. Click on the Scheduler Configuration tab.
  3. Add u:maria:engineering,g:webadmins:weblog in the Queue Mappings text box.
  4. Click Save.

    In this example, there are two queue mapping assignments. The u:maria:engineering mapping will be respected first, which means all applications submitted by the user "maria" will be submitted to the "engineering" queue . The g:webadmins:weblog mapping will be processed after the first mapping -- thus, even if user "maria" belongs to the "webadmins" group, applications submitted by "maria" will still be submitted to the "engineering" queue. In this scenario, the mappings will be evaluated from left to right, and the first valid mapping will be used.