Enable override of default queue mappings

You can override default queue mappings (yarn.scheduler.capacity.queue-mappings-override.enable) and submit applications that are specified for queues, other than those defined in the default queue mappings.

  1. In Cloudera Manager, select Clusters > YARN Queue Manager UI service. A list of existing queues is displayed.
  2. Click on the Scheduler Configuration tab.
  3. Select the Override Queue Mappings check-box to disable the queue mapping.
  4. Click Save.

    You must select the Override Queue Mappings to override the default queue mapping.

    Consider the following example in the case where queue mapping override has been enabled.

    The value of the Queue Mappings is set to u:maria:engineering,g:webadmins:weblog. If user "maria" explicitly submits an application to the "marketing" queue, the default queue assignment of "engineering" is overridden, and the application is submitted to the "marketing" queue.