Configuring HWC in CDP Public Cloud

You use the Hive Warehouse Connector (HWC) either transparently through spark sql or by using HWC API commands. You configure HWC processing to use LLAP or not, based on your use case.

To read ACID, or other Hive-managed tables, from Spark using low-latency analytical processing (LLAP) is recommended.

Low-latency analytical processing (LLAP) is recommended for reading ACID, or other Hive-managed tables, from Spark. You do not need LLAP to write to ACID, or other managed tables, from Spark. You do not need LLAP to access external tables from Spark.

Configuring the HWC mode for reads

The HWC runs in the following modes for reading Hive-managed tables:

  • LLAP
    • true
    • false
  • JDBC
    • cluster
    • client
You need to configure the following properties in configuration/spark-defaults.conf. Alternatively, you can set the properties using the spark-submit/spark-shell --conf option.

    Configures LLAP mode on or off. Values: true or false


    Configures JDBC mode. Values: cluster or client

  • spark.sql.hive.hiveserver2.jdbc.url

    The Hive JDBC url in /etc/hive/conf/beeline-site.xml.

  • spark.datasource.hive.warehouse.metastoreUri

    URI of Hive metastore. In Cloudera Manager, click Clusters > Hive-1 > Configuration, search for hive.metastore.uris, and use that value.

  • spark.datasource.hive.warehouse.load.staging.dir

    Temporary staging location required by HWC.

    Set the value to a file system location where the HWC user has write permission.
Table 1. Spark Compatibility
Tasks Use HWC Recommended HWC Mode
Read Hive managed tables from Spark Yes LLAP mode=true
Write Hive managed tables from Spark Yes N/A
Read Hive external tables from Spark Ok, but unnecessary N/A
Write Hive external tables from Spark Ok, but unnecessary N/A