Configure queue mapping for users and groups to queues with the same name

Specify that all applications are submitted to the queue with the same name as a group.

  • To specify that all applications are submitted to the queue with the same name as a group, use this mapping assignment:

    Consider the following example configuration. On this cluster, there are two groups: "marketing" and "engineering". Each group has the following users:

    In "marketing", there are 3 users: "angela", "rahul", and "dmitry".

    In "engineering", there are 2 users: "maria" and "greg".


    With this queue mapping, any application submitted by members of the "marketing" group -- "angela", "rahul", or "dmitry" -- will be submitted to the "marketing" queue. Any application submitted by members of the "engineering" group -- "maria" or "greg" -- will be submitted to the "engineering" queue.

    To specify that all applications are submitted to the queue with the same name as a user, use this mapping assignment:


    This requires that queues are set up with the same name as the users. With this queue mapping, applications submitted by user "greg" will be submitted to the queue "greg".