Configure HBase in Cloudera Manager to store snapshots in Amazon S3
You must configure HBase before you can store snapshots on Amazon S3.
Perform the following steps in Cloudera Manager
Open the HBase service page.
Scope > HBASE
Select Category > Backup.
Type S3 in the Search
Enter your Amazon S3 access key ID in the field AWS S3 access key ID
for remote snapshots.
Enter your Amazon S3 secret access key in the field AWS S3 secret
access key for remote snapshots.
Enter the path to the location in Amazon S3 where your HBase snapshots will be
stored in the field Amazon S3 Path for Remote
In a terminal window, log in to your Cloudera Manager cluster at the command
line and create a /user/hbase
directory in HDFS. Change the owner of the directory to hbase.
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