Connect to PQS through Apache Knox

You can connect to the PQS using the JDBC thin client and the Apache Knox gateway. Apache Knox requires your thin client connection to be over HTTPS.

To connect to the PQS through the Apache Knox gateway, you must use the JDBC URL syntax as shown here: jdbc:phoenix:thin:url=https://<knox_hostname>:8443/<cluster-name>/cdp-proxy-api/avatica;authentication=BASIC;avatica_user=admin;avatica_password=admin-password;truststore=/tmp/knox_truststore.jks;truststore_password=truststorepassword

You can get the JDBC Phoenix Query Server URL from the Knox Admin user interface.

Ensure that you have access to Apache Phoenix and Apache HBase, and you have the permissions to perform the operations that you are trying to perform. You can test your access using the phoenix-sqlline command line utility locally, and also check if you are added to the list of allowed users in Apache Ranger.