Known Issues in Apache Spark

This topic describes known issues and workarounds for using Spark in this release of Cloudera Runtime.

CDPD-22670 and CDPD-23103: There are two configurations in Spark, "Atlas dependency" and "spark_lineage_enabled", which are conflicted. The issue is when Atlas dependency is turned off but spark_lineage_enabled is turned on.
Run Spark application, Spark will log some error message and cannot continue. That can be restored by correcting the configurations and restarting Spark component with distributing client configurations.
CDPD-217: HBase/Spark connectors are not supported
The Apache HBase Spark Connector (hbase-connectors/spark) and the Apache Spark - Apache HBase Connector (shc) are not supported in the initial CDP release.
Workaround: None
CDPD-3038: Launching pyspark displays several HiveConf warning messages
When pyspark starts, several Hive configuration warning messages are displayed, similar to the following:
19/08/09 11:48:04 WARN conf.HiveConf: HiveConf of name hive.vectorized.use.checked.expressions does not exist
19/08/09 11:48:04 WARN conf.HiveConf: HiveConf of name hive.tez.cartesian-product.enabled does not exist
Workaround: These errors can be safely ignored.
CDPD-2650: Spark cannot write ZSTD and LZ4 compressed Parquet to dynamically partitioned tables
Workaround: Use a different compression algorithm.
CDPD-3293: Cannot create views (CREATE VIEW statement) from Spark
Apache Ranger in CDP disallows Spark users from running CREATE VIEW statements.
Workaround: Create the view using Hive or Impala.
CDPD-3783: Cannot create databases from Spark
Attempting to create a database using Spark results in an error similar to the following:
            org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: MetaException(message:Permission denied: user [sparkuser] does not have [ALL] privilege on [hdfs://]);
Workaround: Create the database using Hive or Impala, or specify the external data warehouse location in the create command. For example:
sql("create database spark_database location '/warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/spark_database.db'")

Technical Service Bulletins

TSB 2021-441: CDP Powered by Apache Spark may incorrectly read/write pre-Gregorian timestamps
Spark may incorrectly read or write TIMESTAMP data for values before the start of the Gregorian calendar ('1582-10-15 00:00:00.0'). This could happen when Spark is:
  • Using dynamic partition inserts
  • Reading or writing from an ORC table when the:
    • spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc property is set to false. Its default value is true.
    • spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc property is set to true but the spark.sql.orc.impl property is set to hive. Its default is native.
  • Reading or writing from a Parquet table when the:
    • spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet property is set to false. Its default value is true.
Knowledge article
For the latest update on this issue see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2021-441: Spark may incorrectly read/write pre-Gregorian timestamps