Known Issues in Schema Registry

Learn about the known issues in Schema Registry, the impact or changes to the functionality, and the workaround.

CDPD-54379: KafkaJsonSerializer and KafkaJsonDeserializer do not allow null values
KafkaJsonSerializer and KafkaJsonDeserializer do not allow the data to be null, resulting in a NullPointerException (NPE).
CDPD-49217 and CDPD-50309: Schema Registry caches user group membership indefinitely

Schema Registry caches the Kerberos user and group information indefinitely and does not catch up on group membership changes.

Restart Schema Registry after group membership changes.
CDPD-56890: New schemas cannot be created following an upgrade
If you delete the latest version of a schema (the one with the highest ID) from the Schema Registry database before an upgrade, you might not be able to create new schemas after you upgrade the cluster to a newer version.
  1. Access the Schema Registry database. Go to Cloudera Manager > Schema Registry > Configuration and search for "database" if you don't know the name, host, or port of the Schema Registry database.
  2. Cross reference the ID's in the schemaVersionId column of the schmema_version_state table with the ID's found in the schema_version_info table.
  3. Delete all records from the schema_version_state table that contains a schemaVersionId not present in the schema_version_info table.
CDPD-60160: Schema Registry Atlas integration does not work with Oracle databases
Schema Registry is unable to create entities in Atlas if Schema Registry uses an Oracle database. The following will be present in the Schema Registry log if you are affected by this issue:
ERROR An error occurred while processing Atlas events.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot invoke com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.AtlasEventStorable.setType on bean class 'class com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.AtlasEventStorable' - argument type mismatch - had objects of type "java.lang.Long" but expected signature "java.lang.Integer"

This issue causes the loss of audit data on Oracle environments.

CDPD-58949: Schemas are de-duplicated on import
On import, Schema Registry de-duplicates schema versions based on their fingerprints. This means that schemas which are considered functionally equivalent in SR get de-duplicated. As a result, some schema versions are not created, and their IDs do not become valid IDs in SR.
CDPD-58990: getSortedSchemaVersions method orders by schemaVersionId instead of version number
On validation, Schema Registry orders schema versions based on ID instead of version number. In some situations, this can cause validation with the LATEST level to compare the new schema version to a non-latest version.

This situation can occur when an older version of a schema has a higher ID than the newer version of a schema, for example, when the older version is imported with an explicit ID.
