Known Issues in Apache Atlas
Learn about the known issues in Apache Atlas, the impact or changes to the functionality, and the workaround.
- CDPD-35691:Affected version - 7.2.15: Task API intermittently returns a blank json object, even when there are no pending tasks.
- None
- CDPD-24089: Atlas creates HDFS path entities for GCP path and the qualified name of those entities does not have a cluster name appended.
- None
- CDPD-22082: ADLS Gen2 metadata extraction: If the queue is not cleared before performing Incremental extraction, messages are lost.
- After successfully running Bulk extraction, you must clear the queue before running Incremental extraction.
- CDPD-19996: Atlas AWS S3 metadata extractor fails when High Availability is configured for IDBroker.
- If you have HA configured for IDBroker, make sure your cluster has only one IDBroker address in core-site.xml. If your cluster has two IDBroker addresses in core-site.xml, remove one of them, and the extractor must be able to retrieve the token from IDBroker.
- CDPD-19798: Atlas /v2/search/basic API does not retrieve results when the search text mentioned in the entity filter criteria (like searching by Database or table name) has special characters like + - & | ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? :
- You can invoke the API and mention the search string (with special characters) in the query attribute in the search parameters.
- ATLAS-3921: Currently there is no migration path from AWS S3 version 1 to AWS S3 version 2.
- None
- CDPD-12668: Navigator Spark lineage can fail to render in Atlas
- As part of content conversion from Navigator to Atlas, the conversion of some spark applications created a cyclic lineage reference in Atlas, which the Atlas UI fails to render. The cases occur when a Spark application uses data from a table and updates the same table.
- CDPD-11941: Table creation events missed when multiple tables are created in the same Hive command
- When multiple Hive tables are created in the same database in a single command, the Atlas audit log for the database may not capture all the table creation events. When there is a delay between creation commands, audits are created as expected.
- CDPD-11940: Database audit record misses table delete
- When a hive_table entity is created, the Atlas audit list for the parent database includes an update audit. However, at this time, the database does not show an audit when the table is deleted.
- CDPD-11790: Simultaneous events on the Kafka topic queue can produce duplicate Atlas entities
- In normal operation, Atlas receives metadata to create entities from multiple services on the same or separate Kafka topics. In some instances, such as for Spark jobs, metadata to create a table entity in Atlas is triggered from two separate messages: one for the Spark operation and a second for the table metadata from HMS. If the process metadata arrives before the table metadata, Atlas creates a temporary entity for any tables that are not already in Atlas and reconciles the temporary entity with the HMS metadata when the table metadata arrives.
- CDPD-11692: Navigator table creation time not converted to Atlas
- In converting content from Navigator to Atlas, the create time for Hive tables is not moved to Atlas.
- CDPD-11338: Cluster names with upper case letters may appear in lower case in some process names
- Atlas records the cluster name as lower case in
for some process names. The result is that the cluster name may appear in lower case for some processes (insert overwrite table) while it appears in upper case for other queries (ctas) performed on the same cluster. - CDPD-10576: Deleted Business Metadata attributes appear in Search Suggestions
- Atlas search suggestions continue to show Business Metadata attributes even if the attributes have been deleted.
- CDPD-10574: Suggestion order doesn't match search weights
- At this time, the order of search suggestions does not honor the search weight for attributes.
- CDPD-9095: Duplicate audits for renaming Hive tables
- Renaming a Hive table results in duplicate ENTITY_UPDATE events in the corresponding Atlas entity audits, both for the table and for its columns.
- CDPD-7982: HBase bridge stops at HBase table with deleted column family
- Bridge importing metadata from HBase fails when it encounters an
HBase table for which a column family was previously dropped. The
error indicates:
Metadata service API org.apache.atlas.AtlasClientV2$API_V2@58112bc4 failed with status 404 (Not Found) Response Body ({""errorCode"":""ATLAS-404-00-007"",""errorMessage"":""Invalid instance creation/updation parameters passed : hbase_column_family.table: mandatory attribute value missing in type hbase_column_family""})
- CDPD-7781: TLS certificates not validated on Firefox
- Atlas is not checking for valid TLS certificates when the UI is opened in FireFox browsers.
- CDPD-6675: Irregular qualifiedName format for Azure storage
- The qualifiedName for
entities created from Azure blog locations (ABFS) doesn't have the clusterName appended to it as dohdfs_path
entities in other location types. - CDPD-5933 and CDPD-5931: Unexpected Search Results When Using Regular Expressions in Basic Searches on Classifications
- When you include a regular expression or wildcard in the search criteria for a classification in the Basic Search, the results may differ unexpectedly from when full classification names are included. For example, the Exclude sub-classifications option is respected when using a full classification name as the search criteria; when using part of the classification name and the wildcard (*) with Exclude sub-classifications turned off, entities marked with sub-classifications are not included in the results. Other instances of unexpected results include case-sensitivity.
- CDPD-4762: Spark metadata order may affect lineage
- Atlas may record unexpected lineage relationships when metadata collection from the Spark Atlas Connector occurs out of sequence from metadata collection from HMS. For example, if an ALTER TABLE operation in Spark changing a table name and is reported to Atlas before HMS has processed the change, Atlas may not show the correct lineage relationships to the altered table.
- CDPD-4545: Searches for Qualified Names with "@" doesn't fetch the correct results
- When searching Atlas qualifiedName values that include an "at" character (@), Atlas does not return the expected results or generate appropriate search suggestions.
- CDPD-3208: Table alias values are not found in search
- When table names are changed, Atlas keeps the old name of the table in a list of aliases. These values are not included in the search index in this release, so after a table name is changed, searching on the old table name will not return the entity for the table.
- CDPD-3160: Hive lineage missing for INSERT OVERWRITE queries
- Lineage is not generated for Hive INSERT OVERWRITE queries on partitioned tables. Lineage is generated as expected for CTAS queries from partitioned tables.
- CDPD-3125: Logging out of Atlas does not manage the external authentication
- At this time, Atlas does not communicate a log-out event with the external authentication management, Apache Knox. When you log out of Atlas, you can still open the instance of Atlas from the same web browser without re-authentication.
- CDPD-1892: Ranking of top results in free-text search not intuitive
- The Free-text search feature ranks results based on which attributes match the search criteria. The attribute ranking is evolving and therefore the choice of top results may not be intuitive in this release.
- CDPD-1884: Free text search in Atlas is case sensitive
- The free text search bar in the top of the screen allows you to search across entity types and through all text attributes for all entities. The search shows the top 5 results that match the search terms at any place in the text (*term* logic). It also shows suggestions that match the search terms that begin with the term (term* logic). However, in this release, the search results are case-sensitive.
- CDPD-1823: Queries with ? wildcard return unexpected results
- DSL queries in Advanced Search return incorrect results when the query text includes a question mark (?) wildcard character. This problem occurs in environments where trusted proxy for Knox is enabled, which is always the case for CDP.
- CDPD-1664: Guest users are redirected incorrectly
- Authenticated users logging in to Atlas are redirected to the CDP Knox-based login page. However, if a guest user (without Atlas privileges) attempts to log in to Atlas, the user is redirected instead to the Atlas login page.
- CDPD-922: IsUnique relationship attribute not honored
- The Atlas model includes the ability to ensure that an attribute can be set to a specific value in only one relationship entity across the cluster metadata. For example, if you wanted to add metadata tags to relationships that you wanted to make sure were unique in the system, you could design the relationship attribute with the property "IsUnique" equal true. However, in this release, the IsUnique attribute is not enforced.