Manage Knox Gateway tokens

You can enable, disable, or revoke tokens via the Knox homepage.

  1. To access Knox token management, go to https://KNOX_GATEWAY_HOST:PORT/GATEWAY_PATH/homepage/home, e.g. https://localhost:8443/gateway/homepage/home. Click on Token Management.
    Active token will be displayed in green; expired tokens are red.

    If Knox Token Integration - Enable Impersonation is set to true, the logged user will see two tables:

    1. Tokens of the logged-in user

    2. Tokens the logged-in user has generated for other users (impersonation)

    The tables also display information about additional metadata

  2. On this page, you will see basic information about your generated token(s) and you can execute the following actions:
    • Enable/Disable: Temporarily enable/disable a token.
    • Revoke: Permanently remove the token from the persistent store.
  3. Click the Refresh icon above the table.