Fixed Issues in Schema Registry

Review the list of Schema Registry issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.2.16.

CDPD-20977: Add RAW Avro JSON Schema API for Hive Integration
Added new endpoints where the client can GET the actual schema text as a JSON document. These endpoints were added as a subresource (.../schemaText) to the existing schema version resource endpoints, corresponding to the "schemaText'' property of those, for example, /api/v1/schemaregistry/schemas/{name}/versions/latest/schemaText.
CDPD-39885: SchemaRegistryResource.uploadFiles fails w/ Timeout waiting for connection from pool
When downloading a file from Schema Registry, the stream was not properly closed which occasionally caused issues. This has been fixed by always closing the stream.
CDPD-40758: Improve upon how SchemaRegistryClient is used in connectors
Fixed the issue when setting the "value.converter.serdes.protocol.version" in connectors caused the connector to fail on startup because the configuration property was not properly converted to a byte value.
CDPD-41592: Confluent import should handle input without an actual version
Lines will be ignored in Confluent import format where only the first part corresponding to a Cloudera SR "meta" is present and schema version data is missing (or only a "null" string is there).
CDPD-45920: KafkaJsonDeserializer does not support primitive type literals and array types
Fixed JSON deserializer's handling of non-object literal values (simple strings, numeric literals or arrays).