Securing Hue
User management in Hue
Understanding Hue users and groups
Finding the list of Hue superusers
Creating a Hue user
Restricting user login
LDAP import and sync options
Import and sync LDAP users and groups
Enabling account lock-out after invalid login attempts
Unlocking locked out user accounts in Hue
Creating a group in Hue
Managing Hue permissions
Resetting Hue user password
Assigning superuser status to an LDAP user
User authentication in Hue
Authentication using Kerberos
Authentication using LDAP
Configuring authentication with LDAP and Search Bind
Configuring authentication with LDAP and Direct Bind
Multi-server LDAP/AD autentication
Testing the LDAP configuration
Configuring group permissions
Enabling LDAP authentication with HiveServer2 and Impala
LDAP properties
Configuring LDAP on unmanaged clusters
Authentication using SAML
Configuring SAML authentication on managed clusters
Manually configuring SAML authentication
Integrating your identity provider's SAML server with Hue
SAML properties
Troubleshooting SAML authentication
Authentication using Knox SSO
Applications and permissions reference
Securing Hue passwords with scripts
Directory permissions when using PAM authentication backend
Configuring TLS/SSL for Hue
Creating a truststore file in PEM format
Configuring Hue as a TLS/SSL client
Enabling Hue as a TLS/SSL client
Configuring Hue as a TLS/SSL server
Enabling Hue as a TLS/SSL server using Cloudera Manager
Enabling TLS/SSL for Hue Load Balancer
Enabling TLS/SSL communication with HiveServer2
Enabling TLS/SSL communication with Impala
Securing database connections with TLS/SSL
Disabling CA Certificate validation from Hue
Enforcing TLS version 1.2 for Hue
Securing sessions
Specifying HTTP request methods
Restricting supported ciphers for Hue
Specifying domains or pages to which Hue can redirect users
Securing Hue from CWE-16
Setting Oozie permissions
Configuring secure access between Solr and Hue