Basic search enhancement

While performing basic search in Atlas, you can exclude header attributes of entities from the response to reduce latency.

The Basic Search feature in Atlas has AtlasEntityHeader data type of each entity in the response.

The AtlasEntityHeader data type has multiple attributes including classification and terms. AtlasEntityHeader requests the Janusgraph database to provide the information for each attribute. This process can be time consuming increasing the response latency.

To overcome this situation, you can add a flag to exclude generic attributes and add only the selected attributes from the attributes field in the response.

In the request payload, including the following improves the search experience:

  • Attributes having entityTypes
  • excludeHeaderAttributes=true
  • Valid entity attributes (not relationship) in the attributes field

An example payload request:


"excludeDeletedEntities": true,
"includeSubClassifications": true,
"includeSubTypes": true,
"includeClassificationAttributes": true,
"limit": 25,
"offset": 0,
"typeName": "hdfs_path",
"attributes": ["path", "name"],
"excludeHeaderAttributes": "true"


"queryType": "BASIC",
{ "typeName": "hdfs_path", "excludeDeletedEntities": true, "includeClassificationAttributes": true, "includeSubTypes": true, "includeSubClassifications": true, "limit": 25, "offset": 0, "attributes": ["path", "name"] }
"attributes": {
"name": ["path", "name"],
"values": [
["/data/warehouse/customer", "customer"],
["/data/warehouse/sales", "sales"]
"approximateCount": 2