Known Issues in Apache HBase

This topic describes known issues and workarounds for using HBase in this release of Cloudera Runtime.

OpDB Data Hub cluster fails to initialize if you are reusing a cloud storage location that was used by an older OpDB Data Hub cluster
Workaround: Stop HBase using Cloudera Manager before deleting an Operational Database Data Hub cluster.
IntegrationTestReplication fails if replication does not finish before the verify phase begins

During IntegrationTestReplication, if the verify phase starts before the replication phase finishes, the test fails because the target cluster does not contain all of the data. If the HBase services in the target cluster does not have enough memory, long garbage-collection pauses might occur.

Workaround: Use the -t flag to set the timeout value before starting verification.
Bulk load is not supported when the source is the local HDFS
The bulk load feature (the completebulkload command) is not supported when the source is the local HDFS and the target is an object store, such as S3/ABFS.
Workaround: Use distcp to move the HFiles from HDFS to S3 and then run bulk load from S3 to S3.
Apache Issue: N/A