SchemaRegistryClient properties reference
Review the following reference for a comprehensive list of the SchemaRegistryClient properties.
Property Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
schema.registry.url | The URL of the Schema Registry server which this client connects to. | String | http://localhost:9090/api/v1 |
schema.registry.client.local.jars.path | The local directory path to which downloaded JARs are copied to. | String | /tmp/schema-registry/local-jars |
schema.registry.client.class.loader.cache.size | The maximum size of the classloader cache. | Int | 1024 |
schema.registry.client.class.loader.cache.expiry.interval.secs | The expiry interval (in seconds) of an entry in the classloader cache. | Int | 3600 sec |
schema.registry.client.schema.version.cache.size | The maximum size of schema text cache. | Int | 1024 |
schema.registry.client.schema.version.cache.expiry.interval.secs | The expiry interval (in seconds) of an entry in schema version cache. | Int | 300 sec |
schema.registry.client.schema.metadata.cache.size | Maximum size of schema metadata cache. | Int | 1024 |
schema.registry.client.schema.metadata.cache.expiry.interval.secs | Expiry interval (in seconds) of an entry in schema metadata cache. | Int | 300 sec |
schema.registry.client.schema.text.cache.size | Maximum size of schema text cache. | Int | 1024 |
schema.registry.client.schema.text.cache.expiry.interval.secs | Expiry interval (in seconds) of an entry in schema text cache. | Int | 300 sec |
schema.registry.client.url.selector | Schema Registry URL selector class. | String | com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.client.FailoverUrlSelector |
sasl.jaas.config | Schema Registry Dynamic JAAS configuration for SASL connection. | String | null |
schema.registry.auth.username | Username for basic authentication. | String | null |
schema.registry.auth.password | Password for basic authentication. | String | null |
schema.registry.hash.function | Hashing algorithm for generating schema fingerprints. | String | MD5 |
schema.registry.auth.type | The type of authentication the client should use. If the value is
oauth2 , it will be configured for oauth login, otherwise it will
use Kerberos. |
String | kerberos | | Client ID for OAuth server in case of oauth login. | String | empty |
schema.registry.oauth.secret | Secret for OAuth server in case of oauth login. | String | empty |
schema.registry.oauth.server.url | OAuth server URL in case of oauth login. | String | empty |
schema.registry.oauth.scope | OAuth scope in case of oauth login. | String | empty |
schema.registry.oauth.request.method | HTTP method for requesting the oauth token | String | post |
connector.provider.class | Classname of a Jersey connector provider. (For example:
org.glassfish.jersey.apache.connector.ApacheConnectorProvider) Make sure the class is
on classpath. If this is set, Backoff policy might need to be set to
com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.retry.policy.ExponentialBackoffPolicy . |
String | empty |
schema.registry.client.ssl | Schema Registry SSL configuration1 | Object | null |
schema.registry.client.retry.policy | Schema Registry Client retry configuration2 | Object | NOOPBackoffPolicy with sleepTimeMs, maxAttempts, and timeoutMs set to 0. |
1 The schema.registry.client.ssl property
expects a map of SSL configuration properties. The following snippet lists all valid
protocol: SSL
hostnameVerifierClass: com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.avro.util.AcceptAllHostnameVerifier
keyStoreType: JKS
keyStorePath: ./src/test/resources/jks/client.jks
keyStorePassword: clientpwd
trustStoreType: JKS
trustStorePath: ./src/test/resources/jks/client.jks
trustStorePassword: clientpwd
2 The
schema.registry.client.retry.policy expects a retry policy and a number of
configuration properties related to the retry policy. The following YAML snippet
lists all valid
className: "com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.retry.policy.ExponentialBackoffPolicy"
sleepTimeMs: 100
maxAttempts: 3
timeoutMs: 3000
policies are as