Kerberos configurations for HWC

You learn how to set up HWC for Kerberos, or not. You set properties and values depending on the JDBC_CLUSTER or JDBC_CLIENT option you configure.

In Cloudera Private Cloud Base, you need to configure HWC options in configuration/spark-defaults.conf, depending on the read option you select. Alternatively, you can set the properties using the spark-submit/spark-shell --conf option.

Secured cluster configuration

For Spark applications on a kerberized Yarn cluster, set the following property: spark.sql.hive.hiveserver2.jdbc.url.principal. This property must be equal to hive.server2.authentication.kerberos.principal.

On a kerberized YARN cluster, set the following property:
  • JDBC_CLUSTER option in a secured cluster
    • Property:
    • Value: true
    • Comment: true by default
  • JDBC_CLIENT option in a secured cluster
    • Property:
    • Value: false

Unsecured cluster configuration

In an unsecured cluster, set the following property:

  • Property:
  • Value: false