Recommissioning Kudu masters through Cloudera Manager

You can recommission any decommissioned master role instance in a multi-master deployment and include the instance in the cluster.

You must have decommissioned a master role instance.

  1. In Cloudera Manager, go to Kudu > Instances.
  2. Select the master role instance you want to recommission, and click Actions for Selected > Recommission.
  3. Review the changes in log files, and click Close.
    Now, the recommissioned master role instance is commissioned but is not part of the cluster. To make it a part of the cluster, you need to start it.
  4. Start the newly added master role instance or instances.
    1. Select the master role instance.
    2. Click Actions for Selected > Start.
  5. Review the changes in log files, and click Close.
    Now, the recommissioned master role instance is a part of the cluster.