Enable replication on HBase column families

Apache HBase Replication allows you to copy data from one HBase cluster to a different and possibly distant HBase cluster. This can be used for disaster recovery or when you want to run load intensive MapReduce jobs on your HBase cluster.

  1. For every existing table, set the REPLICATION_SCOPE on every column family that you want to index:
    hbase shell
    hbase shell> disable 'sample_table'
    hbase shell> alter 'sample_table', {NAME => 'columnfamily1', REPLICATION_SCOPE => 1}
    hbase shell> enable 'sample_table'
  2. For every new table, set the REPLICATION_SCOPE on every column family that you want to index using a command such as the following:
    hbase shell
    hbase shell> create 'test_table', {NAME => 'testcolumnfamily', REPLICATION_SCOPE => 1}