Setting the Solr Critical State Cores Percentage parameter

Configure this health check for the Solr service to receive information about the status of the cores hosted on different hosts.

By default the Solr Critical State Cores Percentage check reports 'bad health' if any of the hosted cores are in 'down' or 'recovery failed' status. This threshold can be modified in the configurations with the solr_critical_core_thresholds configuration parameter.

The value of solr_critical_core_thresholds determines the minimum percentage of Solr cores which need to be in 'critical' state in order for this check to report bad health. For example, with solr_critical_core_thresholds set to 10 (percent) and with 20 Solr cores in total you will not get bad health reported until you have 2 or more cores in 'critical' state.

This check is enabled by default for the Infra Solr service but disabled by default for the Workload Solr services (Cloudera Search).

For information on configuring this parameter, see Viewing and modifying Solr configuration using Cloudera Manager.