Morphline commands overview
Morphlines provides a set of frequently-used high-level transformation and I/O commands that can be combined in application specific ways. This is a short description of each available command and a link to the complete documentation.
- readBlob
- Converts a byte stream to a byte array in main memory.
- readClob
Converts a byte stream to a string.
- readCSV
Extracts zero or more records from the input stream of bytes representing a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file.
- readLine
Emits one record per line in the input stream.
- readMultiLine
Log parser that collapses multiple input lines into a single record, based on regular expression pattern matching.
- addCurrentTime
Adds the result of System.currentTimeMillis() to a given output field.
- addLocalHost
Adds the name or IP of the local host to a given output field.
- addValues
- Adds a list of values (or the contents of another field) to a given field.
- addValuesIfAbsent
Adds a list of values (or the contents of another field) to a given field if not already contained.
- callParentPipe
Implements recursion for extracting data from container data formats.
- contains
Returns whether or not a given value is contained in a given field.
- convertTimestamp
Converts the timestamps in a given field from one of a set of input date formats to an output date format.
- decodeBase64
Converts a Base64 encoded String to a byte[].
- dropRecord
Silently consumes records without ever emitting any record. Think
. - equals
Succeeds if all field values of the given named fields are equal to the the given values and fails otherwise.
- extractURIComponents
Extracts subcomponents such as host, port, path, query, etc from a URI.
- extractURIComponent
Extracts a particular subcomponent from a URI.
- extractURIQueryParameters
Extracts the query parameters with a given name from a URI.
- findReplace
Examines each string value in a given field and replaces each substring of the string value that matches the given string literal or grok pattern with the given replacement.
- generateUUID
Sets a universally unique identifier on all records that are intercepted.
- grok
Uses regular expression pattern matching to extract structured fields from unstructured log or text data.
- head
Ignores all input records beyond the N-th record, akin to the Unix
command. - if
Implements if-then-else conditional control flow.
- java
Scripting support for Java. Dynamically compiles and executes the given Java code block.
- logTrace, logDebug, logInfo, logWarn, logError
Logs a message at the given log level to SLF4J.
- not
Inverts the boolean return value of a nested command.
- pipe
Pipes a record through a chain of commands.
- removeFields
Removes all record fields for which the field name matches a blacklist but not a whitelist.
- removeValues
- Removes all record field values for which the field name and value matches a blacklist but not a whitelist.
- replaceValues
Replaces all record field values for which the field name and value matches a blacklist but not a whitelist.
- sample
Forwards each input record with a given probability to its child command.
- separateAttachments
Emits one separate output record for each attachment in the input record's list of attachments.
- setValues
Assigns a given list of values (or the contents of another field) to a given field.
- split
Divides a string into substrings, by recognizing a separator (a.k.a. "delimiter") which can be expressed as a single character, literal string, regular expression, or grok pattern.
- splitKeyValue
Splits key-value pairs where the key and value are separated by the given separator, and adds the pair's value to the record field named after the pair's key.
- startReportingMetricsToCSV
Starts periodically appending the metrics of all commands to a set of CSV files.
- startReportingMetricsToJMX
Starts publishing the metrics of all commands to JMX.
- startReportingMetricsToSLF4J
Starts periodically logging the metrics of all morphline commands to SLF4J.
- toByteArray
Converts a String to the byte array representation of a given charset.
- toString
Converts a Java object to it's string representation; optionally also removes leading and trailing whitespace.
- translate
Replace a string with the replacement value defined in a given dictionary aka lookup hash table.
- tryRules
Simple rule engine for handling a list of heterogeneous input data formats.
- readAvroContainer
Parses an Apache Avro binary container and emits a morphline record for each contained Avro datum.
- readAvro
Parses containerless Avro and emits a morphline record for each contained Avro datum.
- extractAvroTree
Recursively walks an Avro tree and extracts all data into a single morphline record.
- extractAvroPaths
Extracts specific values from an Avro object, akin to a simple form of XPath.
- toAvro
Converts a morphline record to an Avro record.
- writeAvroToByteArray
Serializes Avro records into a byte array.
- readJson
Parses JSON and emits a morphline record for each contained JSON object, using the Jackson library.
- extractJsonPaths
Extracts specific values from a JSON object, akin to a simple form of XPath.
- downloadHdfsFile
Downloads, on startup, zero or more files or directory trees from HDFS to the local file system.
- openHdfsFile
Opens an HDFS file for read and returns a corresponding Java InputStream.
- readAvroParquetFile
Parses a Hadoop Parquet file and emits a morphline record for each contained Avro datum.
- readRCFile
Parses an Apache Hadoop RCFile and emits morphline records row-wise or column-wise.
- readSequenceFile
Parses an Apache Hadoop SequenceFile and emits a morphline record for each contained key-value pair.
- geoIP
Returns Geolocation information for a given IP address, using an efficient in-memory Maxmind database lookup.
- registerJVMMetrics
Registers metrics that are related to the Java Virtual Machine with the MorphlineContext.
- startReportingMetricsToHTTP
Exposes liveness status, health check status, metrics state and thread dumps via a set of HTTP URLs served by Jetty, using the AdminServlet.
- readProtobuf
Parses an InputStream that contains protobuf data and emits a morphline record containing the protobuf object as an attachment.
- extractProtobufPaths
Extracts specific values from a protobuf object, akin to a simple form of XPath.
- detectMimeType
Uses Apache Tika to autodetect the MIME type of binary data.
- decompress
Decompresses gzip and bzip2 format.
- unpack
Unpacks tar, zip, and jar format.
- solrLocator
Specifies a set of configuration parameters that identify the location and schema of a Solr server or SolrCloud.
- loadSolr
Inserts, updates or deletes records into a Solr server or MapReduce Reducer.
- generateSolrSequenceKey
Assigns a unique key that is the concatenation of a field and a running count of the record number within the current session.
- sanitizeUnknownSolrFields
Removes record fields that are unknown to Solr
, or moves them to fields with a given prefix. - tokenizeText
Uses the embedded Solr/Lucene Analyzer library to generate tokens from a text string, without sending data to a Solr server.
- userAgent
Parses a user agent string and returns structured higher level data like user agent family, operating system, version, and device type.