Mixed resource allocation mode (Technical Preview)

In this mode, you can specify the resources in mixed types. You can specify the actual units of vcores and memory resources for each queue or specify the percentage of the total resources used by each queue or specify a weight for each queue. You can use a combination of these allocation modes. The queues under one parent can also mix their modes.

Technical Preview: This is a technical preview feature and is considered under development. Do not use this in your production systems. To share your feedback, contact Support by logging a case on our Cloudera Support Portal. Technical preview features are not guaranteed troubleshooting guidance and fixes.

Example of mixed mode resource allocation calculation

Capacity types are evaluated in the following order (precedence):

  1. Absolute value
  2. Percentage value
  3. Weight value
An example of a calculation of queues a, b, and c with the following configured capacity vectors all resources: [memory=16284, vcore=16, custom=100]
  • a: [memory=4096, vcore=50%, custom=3w]
  • b: [memory=30%, vcore=10, custom=5w]
  • c: [memory=70%, vcore=1w, custom=50]
The calculation of the effective resource is evaluated as the following:
  1. Memory: a has an absolute resource, and b and c have a percentage, therefore the percentage is calculated from the remaining resource after allocating queue a. In this example, the memory of the a queue is 4096. In the remaining resources (16284 - 4096 = 12188), b queue gets 8532 (70% of 12188) and c queue gets 3656 (30% of 12188).
  2. Vcore: b has an absolute resource, a has a percentage, then c has weight, which gets the remaining vcore. In this example, the vcore of the b queue is 10. In the remaining vcores (16 - 10 = 6), c queue gets 3 (1W of 6) and a queue gets 3 (50% of 6).
  3. Custom: c has an absolute resource, and b and c have weight. In this example, the custom of the c queue is 50. In the remaining vcores (100 - 50 = 50), b queue gets 15 (5w of 50) and a queue gets 35 (3w of 50).