You can access the S3 buckets from Hue to upload files and tables to S3 and import
CSV files as tables directly in Hue by enabling the S3 browser. You must specify the AWS
access key and secret access key information along with the AWS region in the Hue Server
Advanced Configuration Snippet if you have not set up authentication using Knox IDBroker.
Sign in to Cloudera Manager as an Administrator.
Go to .
Enter the following in the Hue Server Advanced Configuration Snippet
(Safety Valve) for hue_safety_valve_server.ini field:
# Remove the file browser from the blacklisted apps.
# Tweak the app_blacklist property to suit your app configuration.
# Set a particular S3 bucket as the default
The custom configuration is stored in the
Click Save Changes.
Restart the Hue service.
The S3 file browser icon appears on the left Assist panel as well as on the
left navigation bar on the Hue web interface.