Learn how to enable and configure OAuth authentication for Kafka clients.
In order for the clients to successfully establish a connection with a
broker that has OAuth2 authentication enabled, you must configure OAuth2 related properties
for the client. Configuring these properties instructs the client to acquire a signed JSON
Web Token (JWT) and present that token to the broker when requesting access.
The following
steps demonstrate configuration for console clients. This is done by creating a
client.properties configuration file that includes the required properties. If you are
configuring a custom developed client, see Java client security examples or
.Net client security examples for code examples.
- Ensure that the authorization server is reachable from the client host.
- Obtain the authorization server's token endpoint URL.
- Obtain the necessary credentials (client ID, client secret) and other parameters (for
example, scope) from the authorization server.
- Cloudera recommends that you configure your authorization servers
as well as your Kafka brokers to use TLS/SSL. This is recommended so that JWT tokens and
client credentials do not get exposed.
Create a client.properties file containing the following
security.protocol=[***SECURITY PROTOCOL***]
sasl.oauthbearer.token.endpoint.url=http://[***OAUTH SERVER***]/[***TOKEN ENDPOINT***]
Replace [***SECURITY PROTOCOL***] with either SASL_SSL or
SASL_PLAINTEXT. The security protocol you specify depends on whether TLS/SSL encryption
is enabled on the broker.
- Optional: If TLS/SSL is enabled on the broker, add all required
TLS/SSL properties to the client.properties file. For example:
ssl.truststore.location= [***PATH TO CLIENT TRUSTSTORE***]
This example contains the minimum required TLS/SSL properties. Depending on your
requirements and how TLS/SSL is configured on the broker, other properties might be
required. For more information regarding TLS/SSL configuration, see Channel
- Configure the JAAS.
You have two options when configuring the JAAS. You
can either embed the full JAAS configuration in the client.properties file or use a
separate JAAS configuration file.
- Embed the required properties in the
with the sasl.jaas.config
sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required clientId="[***CLIENT ID***]" clientSecret="[***CLIENT SECRET***]" scope="[***SCOPE***]";
- Use a separate JAAS config file:
- Add a KafkaClient entry with a login module item to your JAAS configuration
You can also create a new JAAS configuration file if you do not have an
existing one available.
KafkaClient {
org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required
clientId="[***CLIENT ID***]"
clientSecret="[***CLIENT SECRET***]"
- Pass the location of your JAAS configuration file as a JVM parameter through a
command line
export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=[***PATH TO JAAS.CONF***]"
Clients that you run with the configuration file you created authenticate themselves
to the Kafka broker with OAuth2.
Run a client:
- Console consumer
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server [***HOST1:PORT1***] --topic [***TOPIC***] --consumer.config client.properties
- Console producer
kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server [***HOST1:PORT1***] --topic [***TOPIC***] --producer.config client.properties