Behavioral changes denote a marked change in behavior from the previously released
version to this version of Apache Ranger.
- Summary: Ranger access audit behavior changes.
- Previous behavior:
- When you ran hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal command, audit logs were generated
for the following:
- "write" Access Type and "write" permission.
- "rename" Access Type and "write" permission.
- "rename" Access Type and "write" permission.
- When you ran hdfs dfs -touch command, audit log was generated for the
- "write" Access Type and "write" permission.
- New behavior:
- When you run hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal command, audit logs are generated
for the following:
- "create" Access Type and "write" permission.
- "rename" Access Type and "write" permission.
- When you run hdfs dfs -touch command, audit log is generated for the
- "create" Access Type and "write" permission.