Launching Apache Phoenix Thin Client

You need to launch the Apache Phoenix thin client before connecting to the Phoenix Query Server (PQS). Learn to use the command that launches the Apache Phoenix thin client.

  1. Log in to the terminal.
  2. Run the following command to launch the Apache Phoenix thin client.
    phoenix-sqlline-thin <url> <sqlfile> <optional_arguments>
    • url: The URL to the Phoenix Query Server.
    • sqlfile: A file of the SQL commands to execute.
    Optional arguments Description
    -a (--authentication) Mechanism for HTTP authentication.

    Possible values:

    • SPNEGO
    • BASIC
    • DIGEST
    • NONE

    The default value is NONE.

    -s (--serialization) Serialization type for HTTP API.

    Possible values:

    • JSON

    (Must match server setting)

    -au (--auth-user) Username for HTTP authentication.
    -ap (--auth-password) Password for HTTP authentication.
    -p (--pricipal) Kerberos principal for SPNEGO authentication from keytab.
    -kt (--keytab) Kerberos keytab file for SPNEGO authentication from keytab.
    -t (--truststore) Truststore file that contains the TLS certificate of the server.
    -tp (--truststore-password) Password of the truststore file that contains the TLS certificate of the server.
    -v (--verbose) Verbosity setting for sqlline.
    -c (--color) Color setting for sqlline.
    -fc (--fastconnect) Do not fetch all schemas on initial connection (for sqlline).

    Use the following command to connect to an unsecured server.

    phoenix-sqlline-thin http://unsecure.server:8765

    Use the following command to connect to a secure Kerberized server.

    phoenix-sqlline-thin https://secure.server:8765 -a SPNEGO --principal user -kt /path/to/user.kt - t /path/to/truststore -kt trustsore_passsord

    Use the following command to connect through Knox with BASIC authentication.

    phoenix-sqlline-thin -a BASIC --au knox_user user -ap konx_password - t /path/to/truststore -kt trustsore_passsord