HDF / HDP target cluster service requirements

These are the component services required for your SMM REST Server Agent target cluster.

Component Purpose Comment
SMM Rest Server Agent Provides REST endpoints that power the SMM DP Platform Application to manage and monitor. Installed using a separate Ambari Management Pack.
Apache Kafka The Kafka cluster that you are managing with SMM. Installed using HDF or HDP.
Apache ZooKeeper ZooKeeper contains information about Kafka metadata.
Knox Provides SSO services from the DP Platform Application in DP Platform, to the SMM REST Server on the HDP or HDF cluster. The logged in user in DP Platform using Knox SSO connects to SMM REST Services. Installed using HDP or HDF.
AMS Ambari Metrics Server is a time Series and Graph database built on top of HBase. It houses all the time series Kafka Metrics that power SMM. Installed using HDP or HDF.
AD/LDAP Identity Provider Store that houses user and group information for users that access the system. DataPlane Platform and HDP or HDF must use the same LDAP instance.