Monitoring Topics to be Replicated

You can monitor the number of topics associated with the replication in the Topics column in the Cluster Replications page.

Click on the cluster replication to fetch topic details. SMM displays the following details about the topics:
  • Source Topic Name. Name of the topic at the source.
  • Partitions. Number of partitions of the topic at the source.
  • Consumer Groups. Number of consumer groups consuming data from the topic.
  • Throughput. Data replicated between the source cluster and the target cluster per second from a topic. Throughput is measured in bytes per second. By default, SMM displays the average throughput. You can also fetch the maximum or minimum throughputs for a topic by clicking the MAX or MIN button located above the topic details.
  • Replication Latency. Amount of time taken for a message of a topic to get replicated from the source cluster to the target cluster. Replication latency is measured in milliseconds. By default, SMM displays the average replication latency. You can also fetch the maximum or minimum replication latency for a topic by clicking the MAX or MIN button located above the topic details.
  • Checkpoint Latency. Amount of time taken for a message of a topic to checkpoint on the target cluster after the message is committed on the source cluster. Checkpoint latency is measured in milliseconds. By default, SMM displays the average checkpoint latency. You can also fetch the maximum or minimum checkpoint latency for a topic by clicking the MAX or MIN button located above the topic details.
The following diagram shows details of topics in a cluster replication:

In the image, you can see that the number of topics to be replicated from CDFCluster to CDFClusterDR is 7, and topic details including topic names, number of partitions for the topics at the source cluster, number of consumer groups consuming messages from each topic, throughput, replication latency, and checkpoint latency of each topic.