This section helps you to arify a few questions that are general in nature

Will Ozone be released only as parcels? Will Ozone continue to be a part of CDP Releases?

Ozone is a core service in CDP and will continue to be part of CDP. Parcels are a way for major code changes upstream to be certified and released at a higher cadence than what is planned for CDP. Ozone parcels upgrade the Ozone service instance that is part of the CDP distribution, not replace it.

If a CHF release fixes a critical Ozone bug, will I need a new Parcel release?

Yes, if a critical fix is part of a CHF release that impacts Ozone. If the cluster uses Ozone Parcel, a new Parcel version will be needed for a critical fix for Ozone, even if the CDP base is updated with the CHF release. The Ozone service post parcel activation will switch to the Ozone Parcel and will not use the Ozone code released as part of the CDP CHF.

Can the Ozone Parcel be deactivated?

Yes, the Ozone parcel can be deactivated (if the upgrade does not involve a finalization step), and post a restart of Ozone and dependency services, the Ozone service will switch to the Ozone release that was part of the CDP Base version. If an Ozone parcel release needs an upgrade finalization, then the release notes will indicate if the Parcel, once activated, cannot be deactivated. Check the release notes for the Ozone Parcel release.

What is the relation between an Ozone Parcel to the CDP base release?

Each Ozone parcel is built against a major base release and is certified to run against it. Example: OZONE-718.1.0 is expected to be used on top of CDP 7.1.8 CHF3 and higher and is certified against CHF4. OZONE-718.1.0 will not work on top of CDP 7.1.7 releases.

Can every new Ozone feature be made available through Parcels?

Yes, after testing and certifying, new features will be available through the Ozone parcels.